Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 3rd House

Is the ruler of the first house in your third house? Are you trying to find what it means? Then, you just found the right place.

If you are new to astrology and want to know the meaning of a birth chart and chart ruler, check out my introductory page before you continue reading this article. Or you can scroll all the way down and watch my YouTube video, where I included an introduction.

chart ruler in the 3rd house in birth chart astrology life purpose

Chart Ruler in the 3rd House

Click here to find out why ruler of the 1st house is important to decode your life purpose.

  • Intro 0:00

  • Chart Ruler in the 3rd House 2:32

This video is for those who have a chart ruler in the 3rd or the ruler of the first house in the 3rd house:

  • Aries Rising Sign & Mars in Gemini

  • Taurus Rising Sign & Venus in Cancer

  • Gemini Rising Sign & Mercury in Leo

  • Cancer Rising Sign & Moon in Virgo

  • Leo Rising Sign & Sun in Libra

  • Virgo Rising Sign & Mercury in Scorpio

  • Libra Rising Sign & Venus in Sagittarius

  • Scorpio Rising Sign & Mars/Pluto in Capricorn

  • Sagittarius Rising Sign & Jupiter in Aquarius

  • Capricorn Rising Sign & Saturn in Pisces

  • Aquarius Rising Sign & Saturn/Uranus in Aries

  • Pisces Rising Sign & Jupiter/Neptune in Taurus or

  • more than 3 planets in the 3rd house or in Gemini

Chart Ruler in the 3rd House Cheat Sheet

Infographic on life purpose for chart ruler in 3rd house: communication, skills, community, learning & tips, stop overthinking


The skipped introduction to chart ruler includes the meaning of birth chart and chart ruler.


If your chart ruler or the ruler of your first house is in your third house, your life purpose has to do with communication, interacting with other people, social networking, community, short-distant travels, transportation, commerce, and learning. It’s because the third house represents an exchange of many sorts. In these days, the third house represents social media, marketing, journalism, advertisements, and commercial activities in general. So, the third house or Gemini, which is the third sign, play significant roles in modern society.

Also, Gemini is ruled by mercury, which is the planet of mind and intellect. So, your life purpose has a lot to do with your mind. You can be also a scientist. A lot of scientists have a strong emphasis on the third house or Gemini. It rules logic. To exchange your idea, you need to communicate with others. It rules writing, speaking, reading, any communication skills, learning, hands-on skills, specifically technical skills. Anything that requires your hand like drawing, artistic skills, painting, DIY crafty stuff. They are all ruled by Mercury.

Another characteristic of Gemini or the third house is multi-tasking. Because Gemini is a twin sign,  it rules multiple fields. You may be most likely to involve in multiple areas. For example, you could have multiple jobs, multiple businesses, and a few different specialties as a professional. Or you can play different social roles. You can be a super mom. You can be a successful businesswoman while you are a mother of three kids. Basically, you could wear many hats. it’s because a Gemini rules multi-tasking.

In this lifetime, you're a primary soul mission is to deeply engage in your community and connect people in a way that the community members can function efficiently for a specific purpose. Your focus is likely to be a small group of people. It's not about a macro crowd, and the context is going to be different for each individual. It’s going to be based on your zodiac sign placed in your third house.

For example, if you have Virgo in your third house and your chart ruler in the third house, then you can involve in the medical industry because Virgo rules the medical industry or any job that requires tedious detail-oriented tasks. Virgo represents service-oriented tasks that help people in need to improve any situations and solve their problems.

It’s because Virgo is in the house of an organization, and it rules work. I forgot to mention that the third house or Gemini rules teaching and learning. So, you are supposed to develop learning skills. You can learn a bunch of different areas in this life, yet your primary goal would be developing communication skills. Your life purpose to do with connecting people in the community.

It's interesting that the third house rules so many different little things, so you might be very busy. A lot of you would find yourself in a busy environment all the time.

Also, you can have a very strong influence on your siblings, colleagues were teammates, neighbors. These are the types of people that Gemini or the third house rules. Or vice versa. They can have a strong impact on you. So, that is part of your life path. For example, if you have Saturn, you would have a lot of challenges with your siblings or friends and early part of your life, especially in the elementary school, because that's what is rule by the third house and Gemini. If Jupiter is in the third house, you would have a lot of luck and opportunities through your siblings, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Jupiter is your savings account from the past lives, so to speak.

But at the same time, those challenges help you grow into a better version of yourself. Therefore, even if you have difficulties and obstacles in this area, this part of your life is what you're supposed to develop the most and overcome challenges. You would have to put the real work to have healthy a healthy boundary with them. Having Saturn in the third house would require you to develop learning skills. It would take three to five times more than other people to learn the simple things, but it's going to be so worth it and you're going to master it. It’s because Saturn helps you master, yet there's going to be a high learning curb personally for you. Keep in mind that you will be rewarded generously.

I'm just going to be read my notes, which I will be posting on my blog shortly. Developing social skills and communication skills, learn to interact with others, and exchange information, thought and any value, learning hands-on skills, developing multi-tasking abilities, teaching people worldly skills and topics. It's more about instructional teaching rather than principle, macroscopic perspective like theory. Both the third house and the ninth house rule teaching, whereas the third house focuses on microscopic elements. It’s more about factual information versus the ninth house or Sagittarius rules the worldview, bird-eye view, market trends of any specific field, whether it be economics, politics, or finance. The ninth house also rules religion and philosophy. Both houses share common things, but they are in different positions in the spectrum.

It’s quite interesting, isn’t it?

In this lifetime, you can act like an agent or you can have an agency. You deliver information to a selective group of people. You can be in the media or marketing industry. Gemini and the third house rules so many different things. It’s the house of versatility, but the core essence of Gemini and the third house is the connection.

So you're here to connect people and connect the dots so that people can have a bigger idea of what is going on and exchange values with one another through learning, teaching, and business transactions. Yeah, so you can even invent something new. You can be an inventor, speaker, and writer.

Also, most importantly, the third house is the house of self-made wealth. It's because it is the second house from the second house. It's a derived house. You are supposed to build your own worth personal finance through your own skills and abilities. So that's why it's so crucial for you to develop skillsets. Whatever you know and whatever skills you have are literally your assets that are going to be your money. This is true for everyone, but you have a special emphasis in this area, so it is possible for you to make a lot of money purely based on your skills and knowledge, which I think is very cool. Usually, it's going to come into fruition later in life.

 Alright, so I had to replace the battery. It just died. To continue, depending on the dignity of your planets, the chart ruler, if it is strong, yeah, your meant to be a millionaire. You are going to make a lot of money through your skills, knowledge, and communication skills. So basically, wealth comes from your own skills, and it doesn't come easy because the third house is one of the houses of improvement. It improves over time, so you need to put the real effort to improve your skills. It’s going to take some time, but in the end, it will be worth it. You will reap the benefits and the fruits of your labor.

 So, hands-on skills; you can play instruments pretty well. Drawing, crafts, writing, and any skills requiring your hands, machine operating skills. You tend to be very skillful.

So your life purpose in this life is to learn the skills, use it for the community, be socially active, and engage in community activities.

Lastly, I want to add on to what you can be aware of. Because the third house is the house of mind, you can find yourself often over-thinking and mentally overwhelmed. It's important to balance this aspect with the opposite sign, which is the ninth house or Sagittarius. So, try to see a big picture. Don't try to be so caught up with the details. Try to see the forest and focus on long-term visions as well.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that the third house also has to do with planning and execution. Therefore, you can be very good at planning and keeping yourself very busy all the time. In order to offset this quality, try to be mindful and go meditate. The more you build a connection with a higher dimension, whether you call it God, Universe, or source energy, whatever that is, it's going be helping you to calm your mind, stay balanced and centered.

So, I hope you found it helpful, insightful in any shape or form. Let me know how you think. I’d love to read your comments. H a great day and I'll see you in the next one. Thank you.

Larimar Kriative
A manifestation mentor who helps you regain your inner power.


Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 4th House


Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 2nd House