Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 6th House

Is the ruler of the first house in your sixth house? Are you trying to find what it means? Then, you just found the right place.

If you are new to astrology and want to know the meaning of a birth chart and chart ruler, check out my introductory page before you continue reading this article. Or you can scroll all the way down and watch my YouTube video, where I included an introduction.

chart ruler in the 6th house in birth chart astrology life purpose

Chart Ruler in the 6th House

Click here to find out why ruler of the 1st house is important to decode your life purpose.

  • Intro 0:00

  • Chart Ruler in the 6th House 2:32

This video is for those who have a chart ruler in the 6th or the ruler of the first house in the 6th house:

  • Aries Rising Sign & Mars in Virgo

  • Taurus Rising Sign & Venus in Libra

  • Gemini Rising Sign & Mercury in Scorpio

  • Cancer Rising Sign & Moon in Sagittarius

  • Leo Rising Sign & Sun in Capricorn

  • Virgo Rising Sign & Mercury in Aquarius

  • Libra Rising Sign & Venus in Pisces

  • Scorpio Rising Sign & Mars/Pluto in Aries

  • Sagittarius Rising Sign & Jupiter in Taurus

  • Capricorn Rising Sign & Saturn in Gemini

  • Aquarius Rising Sign & Saturn/Uranus in Cancer

  • Pisces Rising Sign & Jupiter/Neptune in Leo or

  • more than 3 planets in the 6th house or in Virgo

Chart Ruler in the 6th House Cheat Sheet

Infographic on life purpose for chart ruler in 6th house: routine, health, expertise, service & tips (problem solving, organization)


The skipped introduction to chart ruler includes the meaning of birth chart and chart ruler.

Hello, I'm Larimer. In this video, I want to talk about your life purpose from an astrological perspective. So if your chart ruler or the ruler of the first house is in the sixth house, this is the video you would like to watch. So your life purpose has to do with your health, because the sixth house is the house of health. Learning how to operate your bodies at the optimal levels through a proper diet, proper habits, workout regimes, etc will be crucial for you. Depending on which planets you have in the sixth house, things are going to be playing out differently, but at the bottom line, the important lesson or your mission is to master your daily life.


So the sixth house rules your daily routines / your everyday surroundings. So basically taking care of your bodies is very important. Of course, everyone would benefit from taking in high quality, good quality nutrition, but you know, some people may be more tolerant about junk food. Like some people may eat junk food and they still wouldn't have any health issues like noticeable health issues. But for you, you might be more vulnerable. So being aware of what you consume, what you take into your body, and how you spend your day, your time is important. The sixth house is also the house of work or organization. So there's a higher chance that you would be better off by being employed or affiliated with a group or organizations instead of starting your own business and like paving a totally new path in terms of career. The sixth house rules employment in general. So, one of your big life missions has to do with adapting to such circumstances where you need to be employed or where you need to supervise your subordinates.


Also, the sixth house rules service in general. So your life purpose has to do with providing service to others, especially for those who are considered a minority or the weak. A lot of people who have this position are working in the medical industries as a doctor or nurse, and an attorney. Although they might look totally different occupations from each other, what they're really dealing with is a problem, because the sixth house also rules problems. So you are here to solve problems of any sort. You can bring more values, convenience, and positive qualities so other people can thrive better. Deep inside of you, you might have this strong urge to help others. You have this service mission, and this can be manifested in more extra levels, but you also need to take care of your own body and solve your personal issues and problems, especially if your planetary dignity is strong.


For example, in the sixth house, you have Mars in Aries, Scorpio, or a Capricorn, your Mars is very strong. So you could be very strategic about solving the problems and coming up with solutions, very action-oriented, proactive, and sometimes a little bit aggressive. You have this go-get-it and do-it-attitude. And if you have Venus in the sixth house and you have Taurus, Libra, or Pisces there, your Venus is strong. If you have mercury in the sixth house and you have Gemini, Aquarius, or Virgo, you have strong Mercury. If you have Sun in the sixth house and you also have Leo there, your Sun is very strong. Also areas. Sun is exalted in Aries. If you have Saturn there, you would probably have a lot of health issues, and this is part of your karmic path and karma.


By the way, karma is not something that's like you've done something like crucially bad in the past or past lifetimes and the karma is getting back to you. That's like an old, outdated belief about karma. Karma is actually an area of your life where you can learn the most, grow, become mature and upgrade yourself and take yourself into the next level. So it's a very important part. So if you have any chronic disease or illness that interrupts your daily life, I hope you can put things into a different perspective because it's a really good opportunity for you to learn and master how to manage your physical body and become very specialized in a certain area. It's because the sixth house in Virgo also rules niche and specialty, professionalism.


The sixth house is very detail-oriented. The more you focus on the details, the less you overlook the fine prints or a little piece of information. The more you stay on top of everything, you will be rewarded surely. Actually, paying attention to details will be key for you to solve any problem at hand.


So, yeah, I think that's about it. Your life purpose has to do with service and, oh, I forgot to mention this. If you have any chronic problem, whether it be related to physical body or relationship or anything, the more you are willing to help others based off of your experience, based off of how you overcame your own challenge, you'll be able to help others who would be facing similar challenges. By doing so, you will be able to heal yourself. So, that is a very important key and process. That can be like a theme for your life. So whenever you face challenges, it's an opportunity for you to attract something that you most desire. When you look at it from a higher perspective by helping others.


Conversely, the more you help yourself, the less you neglect yourself like personal care and health. It can be really simple things like having meals in time or going to sleep in time, working out, doing simple sports, et cetera. The more you're feeling good about yourself and optimal and being efficient and productive in any area, you'll be able to help others better. By serving others, you can have like a great satisfaction, personal satisfaction, fulfilling yourself emotionally.


So, yeah, and also you can be an expert in that field. Virgo rules niche markets in, and it's the house of expertise. So yeah, I hope this helps you in some way and leave me a comment below if you have any questions or if you feel like sharing your experience and if you feel like sharing your thoughts. So take it if you resonate with it or leave it. And I hope you have a great day.

Larimar Kriative
A manifestation mentor who helps you regain your inner power.


Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 7th House


Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 5th House