Venus in Capricorn: Your Love & Relationship Needs

In this post, I’m explaining about Capricorn love and what to expect when dating a Capricorn man and Capricorn woman. This also applies to how you date, what type of relationship needs you have, and who you are attracted to if you have Venus in Capricorn in your birth chart. Think of it as a love horoscope. By the end of this blog post, you will find what Venus in Capricorn means in the astrological birth chart.

Before you dive into this post, if you are new to astrology, learn about what Venus sign means in general. To find what is your Venus sign, use this birth chart calculator and put in your birth date information. All you need is your birth date and birth location. The exact time is not necessary to find your Venus sign.

Knowing your Venus sign will help you understand your relationship needs because everyone has different needs in relationships.

Capricorn in Love

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If you or your close ones have Venus in Capricorn, you probably want to understand how it plays out and affects your or their life in relationships. Now, Let’s find out together.

  • What is your Venus sign?

  • What does your Venus sign mean?

  • Why is it important?

  • What does it have to do with your relationships?

These are what I’ll be talking about in this post.


Venus in Capricorn Compatibility

venus in capricorn meaning sagittarius love

Venus is the planet of relationships and love. If you have Venus in Capricorn, you need to have stability, predictability, rules, regulations, and structure in relationships. Venus is the planet of love and relationships, while Capricorn represents structure. Therefore, you would be attracted to someone:

  • Mature

  • Hardworking

  • Responsible

  • Successful, and

  • Socially validated

This position indicates that you wouldn't be a big fan of something extraordinary. You value a sense of normality. Either you or your partner tends to be very serious about relationships, as Capricorn is a very serious sign due to being ruled by Saturn. For the first 30 years of your life (until you have the first Saturn return), you would have a lot of challenges and obstacles in relationships. It's because anything represented by planets in Capricorn tends to mature over an extensive period of time. It takes a long time because Saturn is one of the outer planets that takes approximately 30 years to revolve the Sun. Therefore, it takes time to master your relationship skills. You need to go through a lot of trials and errors to learn lessons.


We learn the lessons of Capricorn through repetition, and you need to put a lot of effort into it too. You would be attracted to a relationship that requires a lot of obligations, duties, and repetitive tasks. It wouldn't be the most romantic or the most fun. Rather, it can be considered a bit boring. However, you would find emotional satisfaction and fulfillment when you're surrounded by a structured, regulated environment and something predictable and conservative.


For this reason, you would be attracted to someone who is very ‘Capricornian’. This doesn't mean that your partner has Sun, Moon, or rising sign in Capricorn though. However, from your perspective, you may see your partner through this lens, because this is like a central theme of relationships that plays out in your life. Your partner or love interest would be pretty serious, hardworking, responsible, and mature for his or her age.


Venus in Capricorn Dating

Your partner would be a workaholic. In terms of career, he or she would be in government, institutions or a big corporation that has a rich history. As one of the most traditional and conservative signs, Capricorn represents a hierarchical system and structure. Therefore, the way you approach relationships is also colored by this zodiac sign. You would prefer placing a lot of conditions, regulations and restrictions to create stability in relationships. If your partner doesn't want these rules, then you may need to work around and figure out a way to establish this sense of stability, because stability is the core foundation in your relationships. That makes you happy in a relationship whether it be a personal, intimate or business relationship. Overall, you could have more satisfaction in work-related relationships or business partnerships especially at a younger age. People with Venus in Capricorn usually have a large age gap, usually a minimum of seven years.

Venus in Capricorn Relationships

Your relationship is not so much about justice and equality. You'll be attracted to a ‘parental’ relationship. You and your partner usually parent each other. It's not like a Libra-like relationship that is a one-on-one equal collaboration-based. You can thrive when there are certain restrictions and regulations applied. You and your partner would also value productivity. Therefore, when you have common goals together to pursue such as creating a family, discipline, structure, schedules, and sharing responsibilities, then you would be fulfilled.


Your partner would seek social validation. Or you would seek social validation through partnership. You would like to be committed - making a relationship official through marriage or agreement. So usually it requires a lot of work and responsibilities. Especially if your Venus has hard aspects from any other planets, then it could be pretty challenging. However, ultimately in time, you're going to develop a quality relationship, because Venus is in her friend’s sign, Capricorn. Venus is a friend of Saturn and Saturn is a ruling planet of Capricorn.  

You would have a lot of things to fix, repeat and work to improve relationships. Capricorn represents karma, so to speak. Karma is not something that you did seriously wrong in the past or something that you need to fix. It indicates certain behavioral and thought patterns that you need to rewire. We all have Capricorn in our birth charts, and any planets located in Capricorn, if any, require a lot of work. In your case, you have Venus the planet of relationships in Capricorn. Therefore, it's very important to improve your self-worth before improving your external relationships, even if it's an intimate, family or friendship.

Through improving the way you perceive yourself, you're going to notice that you're attracting a different relationship that is matching with your self-image and self-perception. This may lead to you attracting a new person, or you may find your partner expressing more freely. The positive expression of Capricorn is all about being mature, responsible, and authoritative. You can also be attracted to a professional. You can find love and trust in work environments. You may also be dating your boss or other authority figures.


I hope this is helpful. Let me know what you resonated with the most. I might have missed some points because astrology is full of symbols. This 10-minute video may not explain everything about what Venus in Capricorn means, simply because there are just so many possibilities of how this position can be manifested in the physical world! Keep in mind that this was a general overview. You can learn more about what Venus represents when you consider placements of other planets and aspects in your birth chart. I hope you have a great day and I'll see you in the next one.


Find more about how to read your birth chart by checking out my astrology episodes here or on my Youtube Larimar Kriative. (Check out my Astrology playlist.)

Larimar Kriative
A manifestation mentor who helps you regain your inner power.


Venus in Aquarius: Your Love & Relationship Needs


Venus in Sagittarius: Your Love & Relationship Needs